jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

Nuclear energy in Chile

The economy of Chile is facing new risks as the demand of energy is growing faster than the supply of it. Chile has had energy rationing in the past and the possibility of having the same problem again is nearer everyday.

Chile depends on its neighboring countries for energy resources. This dependence has become very dangerous for Chile as Argentina has to supply its own domestic market. Furthermore, Bolivia refuses to sell gas to Chile and has said that it’ll do it only if Bolivia gets sea access.

Argentina, which already has nuclear energy, and France have recently begun talking about some nuclear energy cooperation agreements. On the other hand, Chile has refused USA cooperation in this area.
President Michelle Bachelet’s administration has said the government is studying nuclear energy development options. However, the final decision will be taken by the next government. Chile has uranium resources in the north, but those resources haven’t been explored despite its high price in the market.
Chile is a country that has many earthquakes, which would certainly mean that there would be many risks. On the other hand, there are countries that have geographical problems and have nuclear energy, which is the case of Japan. Nuclear plants release small amounts of radioactive gas into the air. Besides, storing radioactive wastes is very expensive. Consequently, some countries in Europe have stopped building nuclear reactors because of the high price.

Considering some of the positive and negative implications of nuclear energy, should Chile develop nuclear energy?

5 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

nuclear energy is not that bad. I mean, yeah it's risky but we already use it a lot and it's cool. Cotton, band aids, sanitary towells and much more are steilize with radiation.
So... I think having nuclear energy it's not that bad at all, but as an alternative.

Anónimo dijo...

This is certainly a critical issue for Chile and its future development.
It has to be discussed in terms of the pros and cons, plausibility, repercussion on the environment and the population. Anyway, I think we should look for more environmentally-friendly sources of energy; in this sense, the fluvial energy towers way above its counterparts.

Mathius O'Nell D.

Phran dijo...

I agree with the last comment, about "...look for more environmentally-friendly sources of energy.."
It is necessary to evaluate the risks and to answer some questions and think about some things like: ¿What about the nuclear waste?
and some pros like litlle pollution, safety and reliability and some cons like meltdowns, radiation and waste disposal.

However we need to consider that nuclear energy would provide new careers and consequently new sources of works.

I think that Nuclear energy is the most certain future source for Chile, of course after resolving or to lessen the cons.

Miguel Gonzales dijo...

Chile has to search different sources of energy that are less dangerous for the environment. If we have problems with the lack of energy, we should look for sustainable energy as is being done around the world.

Post day pill dijo...

I agree with the use of nuclear energy.

If we want to be a developed country
we must start using new energies in order to get it.

People need solutions and other alternatives it can help them, as for example using cheaper energy.

Nuclear energy is perfect because we have uranium in the north.